IntoxiKate Mentioned in Westchester Magazine’s 914 Inc.

by Katie Schlientz

I was recently contacted by a writer from Westchester Magazine’s 914 Inc. and ask about blogging as a business. The article—written by Liz Colombini—recently published online and I found myself in good company, with SimplybySimoneJennaafromtheblogBabygotchat, and EmmaWestchester also highlighted.


Click here to read the article, “Can Blogging Really Be a Legitimate Business?” online. (Thanks, Liz!)


IntoxiKate: Girl of My Dreams

When I started IntoxiKate over five years ago, it was to help cover some of the news, events, and chefs that may be missed with looming print deadlines. I wanted to create something that would showcase all the things I loved locally, from delicious dishes, passionate people to inspirational moments. I’ve carved out a positive space on the interwebs to share my hungry and happy, and I am honored it resonates with you.

Back then, it was just a simple blog on WordPress. Since then, I’ve added events, an email newsletter, online magazine, videos, social media, and the radio show/podcast Fork This with IntoxiKate on 1490 WGCH on the AM dial.

IntoxiKate was never about making money. It was never about me. It was always about YOU. It was built to be a vehicle for those in the industry, and be a service for diners on the hunt for their next great meal.

But somewhere, along the way, you showed that you liked me to pop in once in a while in a video or at special events—from hosting bartender shake-offs to judging burger bash to hosting dinners. I want to be proud of that.

One of the biggest highlights so far was my collaboration with Mutti. When Mutti Pomodoro USA first approached me to appear in their campaign, it was a “pinch me” moment. But, as we sometimes do, I got a little self-conscious too. I am no model. I am no actress. But I was told at the very beginning, I was selected because my passion and personality showed through what I do. It is one of the biggest compliments I could receive.

I said YES to Mutti because there were so many commonalities—there was a passion for locally produced food; there was a commitment to supporting farmers, restaurants, and home cooks. And there was, of course, living life deliciously. Grateful to be a part of the Mutti family, and blessed to have this interactive platform to share what I love. I am also happy to share with you I’ll be continuing my relationship with them into next year.

I could never envision these opportunities, yet they are here, and I’m living my dream. Thank you.

Stay tuned for more IntoxiKating events and communication ahead.

Live life deliciously!


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