IntoxiKate (v):
to excite or elate foodies to the point of enthusiasm or frenzy;
to live life deliciously*
Fine Print: Side effects include gluttonous tendencies, hunger pains, food cravings, and feeling insatiable. If you are feeling any of these symptoms, feel free to indulge—all addresses to eateries are listed on Guaranteed no calories gained by reading, but to avoid late night trips to the refrigerator, IntoxiKate should not be read past midnight. All cocktails and craft brews should be enjoyed in moderation.
Just sayin’! #inspired #reachforthestars #deepthoughts #intoxikate
I’m a lucky lady for a couple of reasons: 1. I have had an outpouring of support for this new little venture of mine. #intoxikate #blessed #thankyou 2. I am …
I don’t condone dessert for dinner. I really don’t. Meals should be a healthy portion on your meat and veggies. Really. But with the heat and humidity we’re having, it’s …
If you haven’t heard the buzz around the Golden Knives Challenge, it’s about time you get on the foodie band wagon. The pop up restaurant concept, started by Chef Eric …
Although I’ve never seen it, the kitchen of The Tapp in Tarrytown has been described to me as a “corner space with a hot plate.” Although I’m sure it’s a …
Looking for interesting ways to spend those dog days of summer? Pencil these upcoming events in Westchester in your July calendar: New Rochelle Restaurant Week {THIS WEEK!!} July 8 – 11 …